Getting started
Congratulations on setting up Planum Docs! This page will help you get started with the project.
Directory Structure
Here is the directory structure of Planum Docs:
Path: /public/ # static assets src/ # source code, don't need to touch src/config/ # configuration files src/content/ # docs
- config: Contains configuration files for the project. You can change the website name, logo, and other settings from here.
- content: This is where you will be adding your docs and folders.
- public: Contains static assets such as images, stylesheets, and scripts.
- src: Contains the source code of the project. You don't need to touch this directory unless you want to change how Planum works.
Home Page
The home page is pages/
file. Feel free to edit this file to add your content. You can also change the layout of the home page by editing layouts/IndexLayout.astro
Creating Docs and Folders
The docs are to be stored in the content/{version}
directory. You may make directories inside as well.
Versioning is enabled by default. Simply make a directory like v2.0
inside content
and start adding your docs there.
You also need to update the src/content/config.ts
file to add the new version.
src/content/config.tsexport const versions = [
name: 'version_name',
homepage: 'homepage_filename' // directly within the version folder
Simply change the values of name
and homepage
as required. To add new version, copy content inside { }
including brackets and paste it above.
src/content/config.tsexport const versions = [
name: 'new_version_name', // new version
homepage: 'new_homepage_filename'
name: 'version_name',
homepage: 'homepage_filename'
This array is in ascending order, where the first element is the latest version and the last element is the oldest version.
Naming Convention
Use this format to name your files: # doc
Some_Directory # directory # draft, is hidden
Here are the three rules that apply:
File and directory names act as slug in the URL, and these are case-sensitive. For files
extension is removed and is replaced with.html
. For directories, the name is used as is. -
Files starting with
(underscore) are seen as a draft and are hidden inside the navigation tree. -
When naming a file or folder:
- Do not to use spaces.
- Use these URL safe symbols
. - Use only English (A-Z a-z) and numerical (0-9) characters.
None of the above are strict rules, but following them will make your life easier when linking docs.
Not Recommended Recommended Doc
Some Directory Name
When using spaces and special characters other than
, you should be cautious to how you link other docs.[Link to Doc A]( # works
[Link to Doc A](Doc # doesn't work
To make it work, you will have to replace the spaces with
:[Link to Doc A]( # works although not very readable
For character encoding reference, see W3 Schools - URL Encoding.